Defence Innovation Network (DIN)

Defence Innovation Network (DIN) is a university-led initiative of the NSW Government and the Defence Science and Technology Group to enhance NSW & ACT Defence industry capability through collaboration with government and academic research institutions.

Established in October 2017 and supported by nine leading universities, we focus on bringing world-class research capabilities and innovation to the defence sector and facilitate engagement between research groups that provide defence relevant technologies.


  • Increase NSW capacity for defence R&D
  • Foster collaboration between NSW industry and universities
  • Increase NSW defence science investment through national & international defence R&D programs
  • Support Australian STEM capacity and pathways to STEM careers in defence

Check out the February 2024 E news here: DIN Newsletter – GlobalX, Physical Sciences Fund, DIN Sandpit Workshop

Find out more about the Defence Innovation Network (DIN) and subscribe to their newsletters here.

Coffs Coast Career Connections 2024

The annual careers event for the Coffs-Clarence region is being organised by Mid Coast Connect for Thursday 16th May 2024. BCU, ETC, Southern Cross University and The City of Coffs Harbour are event partners.

This initiative raises the awareness and aspirations of young people about careers. Some 1200 senior students from twenty high schools in the region (Macksville to Dorrigo to Grafton) will attend. Participating students arrive in groups from 9:00 am and the event finishes at 1:00 pm.

A strong local economy is underpinned by an appropriately qualified, and motivated, workforce. This workforce development initiative contributes to encouraging young people to build a career in the region by informing them about vocational opportunities and the pathways to employment.
Throughout the day exhibitors will showcase careers in their industry. These showcases:

  • Include activities or displays that encourage interaction/engagement with students
  • Demonstrate the range of occupations within the industry
  • Provide information on learning pathways and support available
  • Career showcases are supported by Health Careers Workshops. These workshops are ten-minute career conversations in small groups (10-12 students).

Health Careers Workshops include the following health professions:

  • Aboriginal Health
  • Aged Services
  • Chiropractic
  • Home and Community Care
  • Medical Radiation Science
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Medicine
  • Paramedic
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy

Student role models also contribute to the workshop discussion.
Exhibitor registrations can be made through the following link:

For further information contact

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast announce new Board members

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast (RDAMNC) has recently successfully completed its recruitment process and appointed three new Board Members.

Made up of new and continuing members, the Board consists of representatives from various industries and backgrounds from across the Mid North Coast region, all dedicated to the ongoing economic development of the region.

“I am pleased to welcome three new members to the RDAMNC Board and congratulate them on their appointment, given the high-calibre interest in these roles,” said Kieren Dell, Chair of RDAMNC.

“The addition of the three new Board Members provides RDAMNC with increased representation across our geographical footprint from MidCoast up to Coffs Harbour and they come with deep experience and contacts across many different organisations. I look forward to working together to continue to grow a resilient and vibrant region.”

The new Board Members are Sturt Eastwood (Chief Commercial Officer for Gowings and Sawtell resident), Jane Hillsdon (Chief Marketing Officer for Birdon, resident in Port Macquarie) and Anthony Jephcott (Former Telstra shop owner, commercial property owner and startup and angel investor, resident in Coffs Harbour).

Existing Board Members are Kieren Dell (Chair), Richard O’Leary (Deputy Chair), John Roydhouse (Treasurer), David Harvey, and Tracy Singleton.

Find out more about the RDAMNC Board here.

Norfolk Island Regional Plan Consultation

The draft Norfolk Island Regional Plan has been developed to focus on the Norfolk Island regional economy and act as a guide for much of the advocacy, facilitation and project development undertaken by the Regional Development Australia Board and staff.

Regional Development Australia Norfolk Island and Mid North Coast’s (RDAMNC’s) annual Business Plans will feed into, and draw from, this Regional Plan to ensure integration of the priorities and successful implementation and coordination of the key action items.

As the custodian of this Regional Plan, we recognise that success will come from a strong partnership model focused on outcomes. Local Government, business and community leaders are our key economic stakeholders in the region and are invited to join us at the consultation event and provide feedback on the plan.

The consultation event was held at 6pm on the 14th February at the Governor’s Lodge, Norfolk Island.

RDAMNC keeping their finger on the pulse of local issues facing the Mid North Coast

Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast have announced the Ignite Minis event series, coming in early 2024, to enable consultation on local issues facing the Mid North Coast.

The RDAMNC Ignite Minis are three in-person events designed to briefly provide the updated Regional Strategic Plan in line with the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) and provide the opportunity for consultation on the priority areas of the RIF. Key topics to be covered in the events are: early childhood education and childcare, the Regional Innovation Program, and migration.

The RDAMNC Ignite Mini’s will be hosted in three of the Mid North Coast regions, Taree, Kempsey and Bellingen and will cover the same topics and workshopping at each event.

Date and Venues:

  • 1st February 2024 – 9am to 3pm – Club Taree, Wingham Road, Taree
  • 6th February 2024 – 9am to 3pm – Kempsey RSL, York Lane, Kempsey
  • 8th February 2024 – 9am to 3pm – Bellingen Golf Club, Waterfall Way, Bellingen

RDAMNC CEO, Madeleine Lawler says “Ignite Mid North Coast is having a role change this year. RDA Mid North Coast is taking the opportunity to tour the region to collaborate with the people on the Mid North Coast on some of our pressing issues. Our Ignite Mini sessions will help us to get to grips with early childhood education and care, migration options for labour shortages, skill needs in the region, renewable energy and incubating small business development.”

Charles Sturt University (CSU) and RDAMNC are working together to conduct a skills audit of the Mid North Coast and will deliver voluntary focus groups in the last session of Ignite Mini. The team are interested in understanding where there are gaps for the region, in what skill sets, and what the future needs are for industries to be sustainable in the long term.

Visit the Ignite Mini’s event page for more information and to reserve a spot at the
venue closest to you!

Re-launch of MNC Strategic Regional Plan

Following on from the Federal Governments release of the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) and the feedback received at the launch sessions of the MNC Regional Strategic Plan on regional priorities, Regional Development Australia Mid North Coast (RDAMNC) has now re-written the plan.  We thank everyone who has contributed both to the original plan and attended the launch sessions, your contribution is invaluable in helping us shape the revised plan.

Whilst this is the re-launch of the original plan, this is by no means the end.  RDAMNC has shortened the timeframe on the plan with a view to revisit sooner rather than later and we welcome any input that you have either towards the plan or any of the projects within it.

A copy of the revised MNC Strategic Regional Plan is available on our website

Should you have any questions or feedback, please contact Dianne Wall at or on 02 5525 1500.

Regional Snapshots

The RDA MNC team have been developing regional snapshots for our communities across the Mid North Coast, Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands.

These snapshots are easy to read compilations of the demographics of our People, Places and Industries along with key insights on heath, housing and employment.

Go to the Regional Snapshot Project to see more information.