One of the four pillars in the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) is Investing in People. Within the definitions provided by the RIF the education, availability and accessibility of people is captured. These two projects are proposed as the 2023-2024 lead projects to assist RDAMNC and our stakeholders understand the labour market features properly.
The last skills audit conducted on the Mid North Coast was 2019. The significant international, national and local events which have transpired since that time have had an impact on the labour market. The workforce challenges of skills and workforce attraction have now shifted to a full shortage in people, housing, skills, accessibility of training packages and worse linkages between industry and education institutions. The team at RDAMNC has partnered with Charles Sturt University to deliver this research project.
This project will assist us in gathering the necessary information to establish projects that will assist in the areas prioritise by our stakeholders across the region and a preliminary report on findings will be available after September 2024 with the final reports will be academic, peer reviewed papers which are planned to be available in 2025.
Participate in our survey!
To find out more about the study, including confidentiality and ethics information, visit here. Or you can contact the researchers:
Associate Professor Larissa Bamberry,
Professor Oliver Burmeister:
Answers are anonymous and may be published in academic journals. Thank you for participating.